
Monday, April 30, 2012

Crazy little girls of mine!

It's been pretty busy up here... I have been doing my practice in psychiatry first and now in primary care, together with studying and seminaries and the girls and all my baking (that's my own fault but somehow I gotta get a break). We are tearing the bathroom down because we had mold and Olivia is allergic to it. Sadly as it is she has been having some obstruction in the bronchi which is pretty much a mild form of asthma... that means that I had been up a few hours every night for a few days. It brakes my heart really! She has been thinking a lot after the first episode and she came the other day and asked: "Mom, if people stop breathing, they die, right?" "Well... if they do not breath any more at all they do" "And if someone breaths weird then they can stop breathing and die!" poor angel! I did calm her down and explained that when people breath weird they get medicine and they get better again. 
Whatever... it's been crazy here in every way, no point writing the whole story now. The good part is that whenever things are as bad as they can get, then, whatever may come, will certainly make things better... and it is all fine now.
Here are my sweet little princesses goofing around.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Ice Season is over

The figure skating season was over the 25th of March. That day the kids were told to wear costumes and they had a little contest where the best costume won a price. Olivia woke up very decided not to go as a princess but as a "doctor", so I took the nurse costume she got from aunt Laura for X-mas and we made something out of it. Of course she was dressed as a nurse, but she aims higher and presented herself as Doctor House Olivia. She happens to love to watch House with me Tuesdays night. Since almost all of the girls where dressed as princesses, ballerinas or cheerleaders, her unusual choice came as a surprise and she won!  Needless to say that I was one proud mom!

Here are some photos of one of the days on the ice. And the one of Olivia on her costume.