
Thursday, December 22, 2011

And a lot to do...

Today the girls are home! Since I am finished with this week's (and the next's) papers for school, I thought we vould stay home the three of us and get ready for Christmas Eve together... cleaning, baking, fixing nails and hair, face scrub and all that. To my sorprise is Nick staying home too! I am not so sure I should get all that excitet about it... I'm just being mean now! 
So the Nilsson Family has officially started their Christmas recess which is nothing like a recess for mum. At least is always fun to work a lot for a party, it's kinda better that the everyday cleaning and washing and cooking.
I am very excited about Christmas, I always am... when I was kid I was obviously waiting for my presents. I never believed in Santa, or at least I have no memories of having believed in him. Since Laura is four years older than me, as soon as she found out the truth (and she was a smart little girl so she knew about it right before her sixth b-day) she came and told me (I was two). I think we all know that when you are a kid and your big sister or brother explains something to you, there is absolutely no way you even think about doubting... I see that in the girls all the time and it is so much fun! So I think I have found the reason for all my troubles... Just kidding! I DO NOT have a psychological trauma with that and I was a pretty healthy and happy kid without believeing in Santa, and I was as excited as any other kid when it came to opening the presents. So I will not delay the truth to the girls, as stupid as it may seem, sometimes I feel I am lying to them and it does not feel nice.
Anyway... therapy aside... I was saying that I cannot wait to see their faces as the open ther presents... I am also a little excited about seeing how Nick reacts to his (some are kinda funny)
No photos today, just a boring post saying that Christmas is so close I can't wait! I LOVE this time of the year! I love Christmas!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

She's growing way too fast!

It feels like yesterday she started to walk, unsure and scared... It feels like a week ago I held her in my arms for the first time. I am getting dramatic here, but I got shocked when I saw her trying on her very first figure skates... She is starting next month and I am as excited as her but I cannot stop thinking that time just goes too fast and she is letting go of my hand way too soon.

Dad is also feeling the pain and his wonderful idea was: "Mom, dad and Olivia will also get some ice skates so we can all skate together after your lessons!" Yeah! That really sounds like a lot of fun!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

sometimes we just forget...

These last days haven’t been the happiest… I really don’t know why but I have been kind of gloomy. As it usually is the case Cecilia (my little sis, and she will always remain with that title) made me think with something she posted about Latvia and its people. I said that it’s usually the case because my sisters (if it hadn’t been Cecilia it would have been Laura) always come with the right words at the right time.
Sometimes I get caught by a feeling of loneliness or maybe sadness or… I really don’t know how to put it into words. I just have a heavy feeling in my chest, it gets harder to smile and my mind is floating all over the place with no chances to focus on anything at all. Those days go by and things get back to normal again, but I haven’t figured out why they come at all.
My sister’s post and something that a very wise man called Henry Eyring said made me think a lot and I guess I am finding a clue to why those unpleasant feelings come along. My sister mentioned in her post that Latvian people don’t complain, that they remember those difficult days of trial and probation, of hunger and cold and that they just can’t but being thankful for what they have today. Henry Eyring said: “…to be happy and to avoid misery, we must have a grateful heart. We have seen in our lives the connection between gratitude and happiness.” And it usually is the case that whenever I get gloomy, I had forgotten to be thankful.
I thought today about all those things that I often take for granted and what my life would be without any of them, or the people around me, or the tasks that I have to do and the obligations that I have, and the truth is that I found out that I am a much happier person than I thought I was. I couldn’t imagine my life any other way, I couldn’t even think of not having my loved ones in my life… I am simply happy and it is such a shame that I forget about it sometimes.
I am so grateful for my daughters, for Nicklas (even when he complains quite a lot and has this extreme ability to point out the wrongs in life, things and people…), I am thankful for my dad and sisters, for my family and my friends, for the opportunity to study, for my home, for my health, I am even thankful for what I am and even though it felt hard to maintain during a hard time in my life, I am thankful for the faith that I have, and for the fact that though week at times, it never turned off completely.
This Christmas time is a very different one, it is the second Christmas without my mom, but instead of being filled with the pain of not having her, it is being filled with the gratitude for having had her all those years, for having the memories of her so alive in my heart. This Christmas will most certainly not be perfect, and it is OK.
I just wish I could teach myself this lesson properly… When smiles are hiding and the heart feels filled with sorrow, just remember that despite the hard times, the trials, the probation, the difficulties, despite the imperfections of life, or maybe just because of them, you are blessed even more than you can count.

Friday, December 2, 2011

If you're planning to go shopping...

Yesterday the girls had an appointment with the dentist for the annual control. Since the appointments were at 11 and 11:30 I decided that we could take the day off and go to town and do some shopping.
To begin with I have to say that they were such good girls at the dentist! And mom came out really proud after being praised by the “only on Saturdays” policy for candies, sodas and other goodies. I might sound like a cruel mom but I promise that I am actually not that super hard on that… They are allowed to eat some candies on birthdays and other special occasions, like when grandpa or Aunt Cecilia came.  The point is that I was even more thrilled than they were to hear that they do not have holes or plaque or any of that stuff.
After that we went to town and I had my mind set on buying me some clothes and getting their Christmas dresses. Now let me share something with you, if you haven’t already tried it… going to buy yourself some clothes with no other company than a four and a 3 year-old is not such a great idea… you might get lucky and buy something, but it is very likely that you would spend three quarters of the time running after the one or the other… I got so tired!!! but they were so happy with our mom-daughters time and the cute pink dresses they picked up. This is a really nice time for me to see them, they want matching clothes to any price and it is so much fun to see and hear them negotiate until they come up to an outfit that they both like. I will post some photos later on the week.
Myself? yeah, I bought a dress, some leggings and an oversize sweater, but I had so much more to buy! now I have an excuse for going one more time.
One other thing that we got was a Christmas manger… since they have one in kinder they really, really wanted to have a “baby Jesus” and I could not resist since I really think that Santa is kind of over clouding the original meaning of Christmas. Once we had put it up together, Olivia run to my bedroom and took a picture of Jesus that I have in between my scriptures. She came running with a triumphant smile and said “Mom, grown up Jesus has to be there, too”
And this is how they made it.